Gender Equity

Man speaking to three women.

Ensuring Equitable Vaccine Distribution for Women

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Abraham L. B. Freeman ’20 led efforts to ensure equitable COVID-19 vaccine distribution in rural Harrisburg Township, Liberia. By training 60 traditional midwives to spread vaccine safety information, he addressed the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on rural women, who are key caregivers.

Shubha Nagesh

Advancing the Gender Equality Agenda

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In the lead-up to G20 India, Shubha Nagesh ’19 called for greater safety for women in the healthcare workforce, women's participation in their sexual and reproductive rights, and midwifery and nursing leadership.

Improving the Health of Rural Women in India

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To provide a holistic understanding of nourishment to women in rural India, Monalisa Padhee ’19 designed a Women's Wellness Curriculum based on nutrition and menstrual and reproductive health. The curriculum uses simple, practical, and interactive tools like group discussions, pictures, infographics, videos, and games that are comprehensible for semi-illiterate women.

Delivering Life-Changing Care

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Lindsey Pollaczek ’19 shared her transformative experience of meeting Celestina, a Tanzanian woman who suffered from an obstetric fistula. This encounter profoundly moved Lindsey, shaping her life's work and igniting her passion for ensuring women receive life-changing care. Through her work, Lindsey strives to ensure that women like Celestina receive the care they need and deserve, contributing to a broader vision of a fistula-free future.

Kuhika Seth at the 2023 AFHE Graduation

Sharing Sexual Health Knowledge

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Kuhika Seth ’23 researched the vulnerability to STI/ HIV among adolescent girls and young women in India, finding that the power dynamics within partner relationships, including the age and educational background of the partner, play a pivotal role in determining the vulnerability of STI/HIV. One potential solution is life skills training that focuses on sharing knowledge about sexual health.

Christy Adeola Braham

Labor Researcher & Activist
Belgium, Europe

man smiling

­­­Shubham Choudhary

Non-profit Leader
India, South Asia

woman smiling

­­­Kate Daugherty

Trauma Informed Education
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
United States, North America

­­­Ana Cecilia Ortega Dominguez

Community Mental Health
Mexico, Latin America & Caribbean

man smiling

­­­Abraham L.B. Freeman

Environmental Advocate
Liberia, West Africa

woman smiling

­­­Esnatt Gondwe-Matekesa

Development Practitioner
Malawi, Southern Africa

Woman posing for profile picture

Madalitso Juwayeyi

Co-founder and Programs Manager
Malawi, Southern Africa

woman smiling

Anjali Singh Kulkarni

Public Health Specialist & Adjunct Associate Professor
New Delhi
India, South Asia

Naglaa Fathy Lithy

Sexual and Reproductive Health Consultant
Egypt, North Africa

­­­Marx Itabelo Lwabanya

Hospital Medical Director
Democratic Republic of Congo, East Africa

woman posing for a headshot

Felicia Mburu

Disability Rights Activist
Kenya, East Africa

woman smiling

­­­Shubha Nagesh

Advocacy Advisor - Global Health
India, South Asia

woman smiling

­­­Mildred Adhiambo Omino

Disability Justice Advocate & Administrator
Kenya, East Africa

woman smiling

­­­Monalisa Padhee

Program Head of Education and Wellness Initiatives
India, South Asia

woman smiling

­­­Lindsey Pollaczek

Chief Program Officer
San Francisco, California
United States, North America

photo of woman

Maria Portela

Medical Director
Washington, D.C.
United States, North America

Woman posing in front of flower bushes

Alina Potts

Research Scientist
Washington, D.C.
United States, North America

man smiling

Oscar Ramírez

Industrial Engineering & Tuberculosis Prevention
Peru, Latin America & Caribbean

woman smiling

Haydeé "Nancy" Rumaldo

Nutrition and Maternal and Child Health
Peru, Latin America & Caribbean

woman folding arms and smiling

Kuhika Seth

Social Scientist
India, South Asia

Woman posing for a headshot picture

Gafidyn Rae Wesonga

Medical Doctor, Team Leader and Executive Director of Trans-feminist Non-profit
Mbale District
Uganda, East Africa

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