Jonatan Konfino, MD, PhD
Doctor and Health Official

Dr. Jontan Konfino is a medical doctor, Master in Clinical Effectiveness and PhD in Medicine at the University of Buenos Aires. He is a researcher at CEDES, one of the most important research centers in Argentina, focusing on social medicine, public health and non-communicable diseases. He has published more than 40 papers in peer reviewed journals, 3 books, 8 book chapters and a documentary. He is a lecturer in public health at the Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche (UNAJ) and at the University of Buenos Aires.He is a professorial lecturer in Health Policy and Management at George Washington University since 2019. He promoted an international cooperation between GWU and UNAJ to create a Certificate Program on Health Equity that he directs and in now offering their 3rd cohort. He is a Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Fellowship on Health Equity and currently the Undersecretary of Health Policies of the Ministry of Health Buenos Aires, Argentina.
He promotes community engagement and participation in health and the synergy between social movements, academia and government administration to achieve the right to health.
Professional Interests & Expertise
Learn more about Jonaton's work:
Manual de Salud Pública
La equidad en la campaña de vacunación COVID de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina): un análisis del Municipio de Quilmes
En Pandemia COVID-19 en Quilmes: historias de trabajos colaborativos de la universidad y el municipio
Estamos con un pico de casos de dengue y chikungunya
Refugee Health
Sourcing hospital beds. Saving ives.
Impacto sanitario de la prohibición total de publicidades de tabaco en Argentina
Vaccines Delayed are Vaccines Denied
Escuchá la entrevista a Jonatan Konfino, secretario de Salud de Quilmes
Community isolation as a strategy to mitigate an outbreak of COVID-19: the case of Villa Azul
Faros de Salud
Faros de Salud
A un año del aislamiento comunitario de Villa Azul: la organización del barrio como respuesta a la pandemia de covid-19
Protagonistas de la Pandemia #Quilmes
Projected impact of a reduction in sugar-sweetened beverage consumption on diabetes and cardiovascular disease in Argentina: A modeling study
Coronavirus y el código postal
Update of The Cardiovascular Disease Policy Model to Predict Cardiovascular Events in Argentina