Esnatt Gondwe-Matekesa, MSc-LLM
Development Practitioner

Esnatt Gondwe-Matekesa is currently the Malawi Program Manager at Give Directly — an organization that focuses on social cash transfers. Prior to her work in the social cash transfer arena, Esnatt was the Gender Specialist on a maternal and child health program that was being implemented in Malawi, Ghana and Rwanda. In this role, she addressed the social inequalities that affected access to healthcare and lead to poor health outcomes.As a Global Health Corp fellow, Esnatt worked at the reproductive health department of the Ministry of Health to coordinate the interaction of MNCH stakeholders implementing in the country and to facilitate policy dialogue concerning women and children. Esnatt co-directed a national campaign to raise awareness and funds for cancer. She also co- founded a social education program that works to provide social education to marginalized children at community centers. She attained a Masters in International Human Rights Law from the University of Sussex under the Mandela Scholarship Fund.
Professional Interests & Expertise
Give DirectlyLearn more about Esnatt's work:
Esnatt Gondwe-Matekesa: GiveDirectly
Blog Post
More climate funding should go directly to people in poverty