
Zulema García Ulloa is a Mexican pediatrician specializing in pediatric palliative care in "PEDIPALI," the first integral and specialized pediatric palliative care unit in Mexico, and working as the palliative care coordinator of CANICA AC (Association for Children with Cancer) developing a community-based palliative care program.

She has experience in global health and social medicine, health equity, neonatal and child health, health services in rural areas, community-based healthcare projects and research. She possesses skills in leadership, development and implementation of projects, teamwork, advocacy, and training community health workers. Zulema is committed to implementing projects that aim to combat health disparities through community participation, empathy, social justice, and health equity. She has a special interest and passion for the development and growth of pediatric palliative care in Mexico and Latin America, striving to ensure health as a human right for children and adolescents in the region.

Zulema believes medical care should always be holistic, addressing physical, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects. She is convinced that there is always something else that can be done to maximize the quality of life and alleviate suffering for patients living with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions, as well as their families.



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