Caroline Mae “Ginger” Ramirez, MD, MBA, MMSc-GHD
Physician & Mental Health Advocate

Ginger Ramirez is a public health physician from the Philippines who works on health systems strengthening and policy development for mental health, with a specific interest in suicide prevention and bridging health inequities. In the past year, she’s had several consultancies with the World Health Organization Philippines on school-based suicide prevention interventions, suicide surveillance and mental health information systems. She is a Visiting Scholar of the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at the Harvard Medical School and a Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity (AFHE). She also is a co-founder of Communitails, Inc., an organization providing animal-assisted interventions as complementary, creative therapies for mental health. She is also an artist and aspiring illustrator.Professional Interests & Expertise
CommunitailsLearn more about Caroline's work:
What Does “Good” Community and Public Engagement Look Like? Developing Relationships With Community Members in Global Health Research
Communitails ANC Interview
The road to health access in Northern Samar