Health Workforce

Adrian Billings, Artanesha Jackson and others walking up the road in Rwanda

Deepening the Rural Physician Bench in Texas

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Before becoming an Associate Academic Dean of Rural Health at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) Permian Basin, Adrian Billings ’19 established a two-year rural training track there for family medicine residents to train residents in a rural, underserved environment so they feel equipped to practice there.

man standing at a podium in front of a screen speaking.

Navigating the Shifting Landscape of Diversity

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Focusing on holistic admissions practices, Toyese Oyeyemi ’17 wrote about the rising number of applicants to U.S. medical schools from historically underrepresented groups. He says that as the health workforce and education continue to change, medical educators, students and advocates should continue to search for novel strategies to ensure that the health workforce is representative of the patients they serve.

Maria Portela presenting at SMA Conference

Documenting Latino Representation in the US Health Workforce

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Maria Portela ’17 published research comparing the representation of the four largest Latino subpopulation groups in the health workforce with that group’s representation in the US workforce. She said precise data is needed to understand the story of who is falling through the cracks and to be able to make thoughtful and effective policy recommendations.

Two women holding a Good Morning America sign

Showing Young People the Possibility of Healthcare Careers

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Christina Rosenthal ’18 founded Determined to be a Doctor Someday (D.D.S.), an initiative designed to expose students to various healthcare disciplines and give them the necessary resources to become healthcare professionals.

man in a medical coat smiling

­­­Adrian Billings

Rural Health & Education
Alpine, Texas
United States, North America

woman smiling

Sara Lavinia Brair

Public Health Physician
White Nile State
Sudan, North Africa

photo of woman

Brigit Carter

Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer
Durham, North Carolina
United States, North America

Joanne Chiwaula Headshot

Joanne Chiwaula

Maternal and Child Health Nonprofit Founder/Director
Malawi, Southern Africa

woman smiling

Angela Echiverri

Family & Community Medicine Physician
San Francisco, California
United States, North America

woman smiling

Nyabony Gat

Program Director
Anchorage, Alaska
United States, North America

smiling woman

­­­Gabrielle Jackson

Clinical Social Worker
Washington, DC
United States, North America

Shannon Jordan

Public Health Program Analyst
Washington, DC
United States, North America

Jonatan Konfino

Doctor and Health Official
Buenos Aires
Argentina, Latin America & Caribbean

Shannon Ladner-Beasley

Health Equity Manager
Antioch, California
United States, North America

woman smiling

­­­Shubha Nagesh

Advocacy Advisor - Global Health
India, South Asia

man smiling

Toyese Oyeyemi

Public Health Practitioner & Researcher
Washington, D.C.
United States, North America

photo of woman

Maria Portela

Medical Director
Washington, D.C.
United States, North America

Man posing for headshot

Anoop Raman

Chief Medical Officer - Complex Care
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
United States, North America

Christina Rosenthal

Dentist & Non-profit Leader
Memphis, Tennessee
United States, North America

man smiling

­­­Elliot Koranteng Tannor

Senior Lecturer, Consultant Nephrologist & Non-profit Leader
Ghana, West Africa

woman smiling

Rachel Watkins

Nursing Director
Washington, D.C.
United States, North America

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